Joanna de Ângelis Spiritist Study Group (JASSG) is an organization founded in 1996 and incorporated by the Province of Ontario in 2004.
Joanna de Ângelis Spiritist Study Group (JASSG) is a non-profit organization. JASSG’s mission is to disseminate the Christian Spiritism in the Toronto area, Canada, according to the principles codified by Allan Kardec. This dissemination is done through the study and practice of Spiritism in its triple aspects: philosophical, scientific and religious. It is also accomplished by the offering of services for emotional and spiritual support, passes, personal and community development.
General Objective
To disseminate the study and practice of the Spiritism codified by Allan Kardec in its triple aspect: philosophic, scientific and religious.
Specific Objectives
• Train volunteer-workers in order to disseminate Spiritism in a realistic and safe manner; respecting ethnical, religious and cultural diversities.
• Promote community development and humanitarian activities in the light of Spiritism